Using plastic now -what we can do


hello. I'm Sasaki of RICCI EVERYDAY.

The hot days continued, and the full -fledged summer has finally arrived. Everyone, how will you spend this summer?


By the way, this time, I will talk about plastic problems in line with "Plastic Freejurai".


I hope you can read it to the end.

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  1. What is plastic free jewelry?
  2. Plastic problem
  3. Japanese plastic situation
  4. How to reduce plastic use?
  5. At the end

  1. What is plastic free jewelry?


It is a movement that started in Australia in 2011 for the purpose of "reducing disposable plastic usage."

Official homepageAnyone can participate in this movement.

  1. Plastic problem


Plastic has become an indispensable material for our lives. However, the impact of plastic varies, such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, and the impact on the human body.


Against this problem, efforts to reduce plastic use are being carried out in various places.

In a familiar example, labelless plastic bottle drinks, cashiers, and cafes straws are changing to paper.

I would like to try to reduce disposable plastic use from close to my life.

  1. Japanese plastic situation


Japan has the third largest plastic production, and the consumption of container packaging plastic garbage is second in the world. Isn't the demand for take -out and delivery in the corona evil, and the use of single use plastic?


Also, how is the discarded plastic processed?

In fact, there is data that 84 % of the disposal plastic is used effectively. I wonder for a moment, "Is Japan so recycled so much?"

The thermal re -cycle is to burn plastic and collect the energy generated at that time. In other words, because carbon dioxide is discharged, the environment will occur in the environment.

Another problem has occurred regarding the disposal plastic. That is, Japan is exporting a large amount of disposal plastic.Jetro (2021), It is exported to Malaysia and Vietnam. In the past, China was the largest export partner, but exports to Southeast Asia, mainly in Malaysia, have been increasing since China regulated in 2017.


In the future, the Basel Treaty has been revised in 2021, and when exporting disposal plastic, which is not suitable for recycling, it was necessary to approve the other country in advance. This trend may reduce plastic exports. But isn't it important to reduce plastic garbage itself in the future?

  1. How to reduce plastic use?


There are various problems, but it is quite difficult to live a plastic -free life.

In order to reduce the use of plastic even a little, there are various ways, for example, to minimize the use of disposable plastic and incorporate biodegradable plastic. Another method is to incorporate a substitute for plastic products (such as paper, bamboo products, etc.).


Recently, paper products have been used instead of plastic, but if you dispose of it immediately, it will be hard to say that you are considering the environment. It may be important for us to be responsible for consumption behavior.

  1. At the end


How was it?

""Paid for shopping bags and follow thereafterThe title introduced the impact of plastic and the British shopping bag situation. Please read this as well.